Monday, July 14, 2014


This, too, is a recipe my late mother cut from a bag of Godchaux sugar. I don't remember her ever making them. I'm sure if she had the nuts would have been hickory nuts from my uncle's property or black walnuts from a big tree across the road from our house. I hate cracking those black walnuts!

Click on photo to enlarge for easier reading.


  1. I remember hickory nuts. In the fall Moma, Daddy, my brother Cliff,and I would go up on the hillsides to get hickory nuts. They always knew where to find them. I slurred the name into "huggernuts". We didn't use pecans or anything else except hickory nuts. I learned how to hold them sideways on the old flat iron and crack them almost in halves.

  2. Patricia Gardner, I can relate. We used hickory nuts in almost everything. Once in awhile we used black walnuts. We never thought about buying nuts. We used what nature gave us!
