Monday, March 15, 2010


1 medium to large head of cabbage 
1 lb lean ground beef 
1 lb lean ground pork 
3/4 cup rice, uncooked 
salt to taste 
pepper to taste 
2 small onions or 1 medium onion, chopped 
1 tbsp dill 
1/2-pint sour cream 
3 tbsp flour 
 1 small can tomato paste 
1 tsp salt 
2 tbsp sugar 
Remove the core of the cabbage; place the cabbage in a large pot of boiling water. Parboil the cabbage until you can peel the leaves off one at a time. Lay the leaves on a paper towel or clean tea towel to drain.

Mix together the ground beef, ground pork, rice, onions, salt and pepper. Place some of the mixture onto each of the cabbage leaves, leaving enough cabbage leaf to roll it over the mixture, envelope fashion, secure with toothpicks. Place the cabbage rolls in a large pan and cover with boiling water. Add the dill to the water and bring water back to a boil. Cook rolls for 1 hour

Remove the rolls from the pan using a slotted spoon. In a medium bowl stir together the sour cream, flour, tomato paste, 1 tsp salt, and the sugar. Stir this mixture into the pan you removed the cabbage rolls from. After the mixture is mixed in well, add the cabbage rolls back to the pan and heat for about 10 minutes. 
file photo for reference

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